On a daily basis I can find myself in a situation feeling overwhelmed by it or at least an emotion is triggered in one way. I call it the daily vortexes of life (in Dutch: draaikolken van het leven). Vortexes of life can be:
- A friend who is canceling a dinner-meeting; in some occasions I can feel rejected instantly
- My daughter who ends up in tears. Sometimes I don’t even kno why, she is crying, but it for sure will panic me and I want to comfort her immediately. Most likely I want to comfort myself via her; as her pain became mine in a split second
- Somebody at work who shows no interest in a result we have achieved, will get me frustrated because I feel unseen
- Instant panic attack with an incoming call of my mother. And sometimes even finding myself not answering her call at all, because I assume and fear that I have to repair a phone, computer or any other device in her home
- The daily news can get me worried, frightened and/or even insecure. Although almost all topics are out of my circle of influence
- Driving my car and getting very annoyed by the slow driver in front of me
- While doing some grocery shopping (especially in the case of feeling hungry and being stressed out already) feeling pure anger once I notice the long queues in front of the check out’s.
- And getting even more upset once I notice 3 check out’s are still unopened, although there is sufficient staffing (at least in my opinion)
- Accusing my daughters falsely of replacing my keys in case I have to rush to a dental appointment and not being able to find my keys
- Getting real quiet, but raging internally with anger once I feel criticized (mind: the feeling itself is enough)
What are your vortexes of life?
Do you recognize or relate to any of these descriptions of vortexes of life? Maybe, feeling pure anger in the grocery store? Or getting annoyed by other drivers? Accusing family members falsely of replacing something? Most likely the instant panic attack once your mom calls…. I know I’m not alone on this if a picture appears on the internet ?!!!
So please, do share your vortexes of life in the comment section below. As only awareness and humor will help us in coping with these situations. Almost every quarter I make a long stroll with a dear-old-friend and all the big and smaller vortexes of life will be addressed in these walks. Not taking them too seriously, not feeling any embarrassment at all, but laughing a lot. About ourselves and about each other. Realizing we are just humans. Not on the spiritual level we hoped to be, but we are working our way. That’s all it is….
♥, Cherryl
Mijn ergste draaikolk is wanneer ik iets zeg en dan hoop dat iemand heel lief reageert, maar als dat niet gebeurd voel ik me enorm afgewezen. Het slaat nergens op, maar als ik erover terugdenk vind ik het hilarisch! ?
Wat ontzettend leuk Bo dat je reageert met een eigen draaikolk. Ook jij wilt gezien en leuk gevonden worden. Iets wat ik maar al te goed herken….?. We komen er wel!
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